Obama’s Weekend Off

images1.jpgApparently, winning the Democratic nomination wasn’t enough for go-getter candidate Barack Obama. He’s now willingly subjected himself to a new challenge, one much more difficult than even facing down Hillary. The Gay Uncle read that this weekend he will be HOSTING A SLEEPOVER PARTY for his seven year old daughter Sasha! Apparently eight little girls were due at his Chicago home on Saturday evening around 6:00. G.U. is guessing that they’re all still awake right now. Being the good citizen that he is, Gunc would like to offer advice for next year’s sleepovers, when the Obamas are in the White House: decaf sodas, a dusting of ground-up Valium in the make-your-own-pizza dough, and a spiking of grape flavored Children’s Benadryl in the punch bowl. Viola! Dinner, then bed. If none of that works, the then-president could also have some Secret Service members use their infamous “sleep hold”. He’s heard that it’s totally painless. GO (to sleep) BARACK!

One Reply to “Obama’s Weekend Off”

  1. Question Gay Uncle:

    How young is too young for the overnight sleepovers?

    I have found parents of one child (“onlies”) are such HUGE fans of sleepovers from the get-go -(infancy) – since – hello! it is a free night for them. But for those of us idiots who decided to have more kids- — I don’t feel so compelled to have sleepovers happen until they are like 13 or so…..


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