Uncle Comes Out

uncle-aiden-cover-small-1.jpgLoyal readers (or even those willing to scroll down a few entries) might remember the gay uncle, GU fan who wrote in recently asking about how to come out of the closet to his nieces. Of course, Gunc gave him some expert advice, of which he was very appreciative (as are ALL proper followers of the Cult of G.U.) Well, you will be happy (or relieved, or disinterested) to know that Gunc just received an update from said Other Gay Uncle, and the story ends in a form of snarky, but loving acceptance (as should all things Gay Uncle-related). The reader writes:

Dear Gay Uncle,

I just wanted to thank you again and let you know how the coming out weekend went. My brother and sister-in-law were very supportive. In fact, my brother was extremely insightful and I think they were both relieved knowing that perhaps I will now move on with my life and maybe even meet someone. I decided to leave it up to them to let my nieces know, whenever the opportunity arose, rather than my having a forced conversation about it with them. Well ironically, tonight, they called to tell me that the topic was broached.

My brother asked one of my nieces if it would have any effect on her if she heard that her Uncle Z- was gay. She looked up from her homework, said, “No, why would it?” and went back to her work.

An hour later she walked back into the kitchen, looked at her father and asked. “If Uncle Z- is now gay, do you think he’ll start dressing any better?”

Thanks again for everything. You have earned yourself a very appreciative new reader.


What a smart girl! She must have been taking lessons from the Gay Uncle’s darling little niece Amber (or perhaps just watching the same sit-coms.)

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