Whither Tango?

51bnwhea-hl_bo2204203200_pisitb-sticker-arrow-clicktopright35-76_aa240_sh20_ou01_.jpgThe gay-penguin book And Tango Makes Three topped the list of the American Library Association’s “challenged” books this year, for the third year in a row. This means that small minded bigots submitted more complaints about it being on the shelves of their public libraries than any other book. How unoriginal of them! There are plenty of other gay and lesbian themed books to complain about, some of which actually suck! For a full update on the kids queer-o-sphere, check out this keen article, Beyond Heather Has Two Mommies by none other than your favorite Gay Uncle. (Then call your local library and complain that The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting is on their shelves. Disgusting. What does a Gay Uncle know about parenting anyway?)

One Reply to “Whither Tango?”

  1. No one complains about the crappy books because they suck, and no one reads them!

    Situations like this remind me of the Nazis burning books in Europe. Apparently if you disagree with something, NO ONE should be able to see it or know about it.

    It’s disgusting.

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