Happy Jew Year!

jonahrachel.jpgThe Gay Uncle would like to welcome the arrival of 5770, and to wish his thousands of fans and supporters a L’Shanah Tovah (that’s Happy Jew Year for you goyim). As a means of celebrating the holiday, the G.U. will be cramming his face full of apples, honey, and as many traifig crustaceans as he can possibly find. But he’s also published a relevant piece in his online Vanity Fair car column this week. Titled, “What Should a Rabbi Drive?” it offers you the opportunity to help pick a new vehicle for his frummy friend Yonah Bookstein. So, what are you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Click over, view the slideshow, and VOTE in the poll. Unless you want not to be inscribed in the book of life for another year, in which case, go back to reading dListed.

What Should a Rabbi Drive? vf.com

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