How to Overturn Prop 8

I perform an analysis of the historic California gay marriage decision, and offer up some advice on how to best impact on the case’s eventual trajectory toward the Supreme Court, for the Vanity Fair website.

Note: My plan involves bribery, and speaks directly to “Friends of Dorothy”. Click here, to begin clicking your heels together, bitches.

Do You Know Where Your Kids Are…?

The Gay Uncle has his fingers in a whole host of proverbial pies. One of them encompasses his role as Academic Adviser to the Children’s Advertising Review Unit of the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CARU). This is the group that is responsible for creating and enforcing the rules that govern consumer messages (ads, and the like) aimed at kids, and protecting them from nefarious practices.

CARU has just produced a series of new Public Service Announcements aimed at encouraging parents to pay attention to where their kids are going on line both in order to help kids understand the potential perils of their behavior, and to alert them to the fact that CARU is a resource for more information on how to talk to your kids about navigating the world of consumerism. These spots are titled “Do You Know Where Your Children Are…On the Internet?” and star TV mom Catherine Hicks (from “7th Heaven.”) Just click here, and you can scroll through and view all three of the thirty second videos.

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