Glee’s Dot-Marie Jones Could Kick All of Our Asses

Dot-Marie Jones plays new boys’ football coach Shannon Beiste (pronounced, Beast) on the upcoming second season of the Gayest Show on Earth: GLEE! In my role as Vanity Fair‘s resident Glee-expert, I gave Dot a call and talked to her about how she got out of law enforcement and into being a warrior, and how this eventually led to her current position. Huh? Click here and be elucidated.

2 Replies to “Glee’s Dot-Marie Jones Could Kick All of Our Asses”

  1. I enjoyed reading your interview with Dot, but why was it necessary to use the F word? I find that rude to come from the journalist.

  2. I worked with Dot @ Juvie for years. She was a blast to work with. She was one of the most respected of all the staff.She was so funny. When she came back from Russia after winning one of her many world titles, every kid in Juvenile hall made a poster for her. There were posters hanging down every hall and in some offices. Dot was an inspiration to many. She was so strong she used to use me to do curls over her head. She is a beautiful person.I’m so happy for her. She deserves to be recognized for her many great talents. I wish her only the best………

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