
img_0490.jpgThis may come as no surprise to any of you parent types out there, but for The Gay Uncle, a routine drop-by to see his friends David and Celia (while visiting Chicago for work) turned into quite a surprising little voyage into the world of body morphism. It’s only been a month or two since he was last in the windy city, but in that time, Celia’s little bun in the oven has gone and turned into a full loaf. Check this out. This is a very skinny girl, in ordinary times. Now, she’s looking a bit like a frozen turkey around the middle-section. When the G.U. asked these two how they’re feeling about the little bugger, David smiled and said, “Oh, it’s going to be so cute. It’ll be like having a new dog. Something cuddly to take care of.” Celia just rolled her eyes and sighed at Gunc. “Worst decision ever.”

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