First the widespread adoption of gay marriage in the heartland, then all this piggy peril, then the hot winds of hell collapsing the Dallas Cowboys’ practice bubble in Irving Texas. And now???? The Gay Uncle’s friends at MOMLOGIC are reporting on a trend of mothers using Twitter to give the play-by-play on their labor. And he’s not talking about factory work. He’s talking about 140 character, serial, sometimes sardonic delineations of the whole push-and-shove of hustling a baby out their va-jay-jay. The existence of this practice leads the G.U. to ask two interrelated questions.
a) Why?
b) How?
In honor of Twit-Moms Trendies, Gunc is going to run a contest this week. Best 140 character (or less) fake labor/birth tweet wins a copy of Romi Lassally’s True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real. Leave your entries in COMMENTS below.
[the epidural version]
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch! Phew. Huh? Eew! Awwwwww. Zzzzzz.
[the non-epidural version]