Making the Internet of Things’ Things


Northern Nevada’s vast tracts of affordable land, plentiful sunishne, and proximity to Silicon Valley have turned it into the new new Detroit: a place to build the things for the Internet of Things.

My latest reportage for Departures. Click on the thumbnail above, and then click it again, to view it. You can also procure your own copy if you have an AmEx Platinum Card, which you probably don’t.

Anticipating the Singularity


It is still such a huge thrill to open this magazine and see my name. My piece on the new self-driving Mercedes-Benz F015 Luxury in Motion, in the April issue of Vanity Fair.

Click on the link above (and then click again) to view a crappy scan. Or just buy the magazine on the newsstand, you chintzy bitch.

ShowBoats International


Does a magazine exist that is named more appropriately for a flashy, swanning, performative, globetrotting bitch like me? ShowBoats International–an ultra-luxury yachting magazine dedicated to serving the global super rich–has just relaunched. And guess who is their new Automotive Editor? Moi, naturally. (Not that you could tell from that caricature they’ve included.)

For my first monthly column, I’ve featured the new Bentley Grand Convertible. Click on the thumbnail above (and then click on it again) to view a scan.

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