Two Monkeys Hug, One Throws Scat


Want to listen to a conversation between me, Road & Track Executive Editor Sam Smith, and Car and Driver Senior Features Curmudgeon Jeff Sabatini? Of course you do, because the topic is cars and the Detroit Auto Show, and everyone loves cars and the Detroit Auto Show. Also, this conversation aired today on Sirius/XM channel 104, which also features a talk show hosted by Fran Tarkenton.

Car Show Radio

Details February 2014


My first cars page for DETAILS magazine, featuring the Alfa Romeo 4C, artist Richard Phillips, and autonomous cars. Click on the crappy scan above (and then click it again to expand it further), or just buy it on the newsstand yourself, you chintzy bitch. (p. 46)

Rally for the Lane Motor Museum


The Lane Motor Museum holds one of the largest and oddest collections of tiny, weirdo, orphan cars ever assembled. And once a year, you can pay to drive some of them. Or, if you’re me and writing about it for the February 2014 issue of Road & Track, you can drive them for free. Click the image above to view a crappy scan of the article (and then click it again to make it bigger and more legible). Better yet, just buy the magazine on the newsstand, you chintzy bitch. (p.22)

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