The Gay Guide to Glee: “Duets”

This week’s winning episode, “Duets”, paired everything that right with Glee (meaningful story-lines, a contextualized musical theme, a focus on the kids, boy’s locker room scenes) with the absence of everything that’s wrong with it (the adults) for a double rim shot hit. Check out my weekly re-cap at Vanity Fair for a full explication.

Are Electric Cars Gay, Is Vince Vaughn an Idiot, or Both?

The trailer for the upcoming Vince Vaughn movie The Dilemma contained the use of the word “gay” in a pejorative manner, meant to be a synonym for lame/stupid/uncool/moronic. This is lame, stupid, uncool, and moronic. So as Vanity Fair‘s unofficial online Fun & Faggy editor, I had to take it down. Click here to read how this critique also incorporated the First Amendment, the internal combustion engine, bromantic comedies, and gay cars in general.

Stick Shift Learns to Drive (w/Video!)

The folks at BMW were foolish nice enough to invite me down to South Carolina to learn how to really drive a car–on a track, at their Performance Driving School. They were also uncaring enough about their possessions kind enough to let me borrow one of their zipy Z4 s35i Roadsters to drive down there from New York. I was smart enough to learn something from the experience. But don’t think that doesn’t mean I didn’t spin around in circles a million times on a wet skid-pad, because I did. Read all about it in my big gay car column over at Vanity Fair.

Time Out, New York

I have a pair of inter-related pieces out in Time Out New York today about my favorite of favorite New York neighborhoods (and my home of fifteen years.) One is on The East Village and the other is on The Lower East Side, and both contain suggestions and recommendations from long-term residents, fixtures, and characters on the moods, communities, and places that make their neighborhood unique. Click the neighborhood names above to read.

The Gay Guide to Glee Returns!

The second season of Glee premiered last night. Which means, of course, that my…unique perspective on the show will now resume haunting the virtual halls of Vanity Fair every Wednesday. The fall’s first Gay Guide to Glee is now officially up. So click on over to and read about how the show got its groove back.

Tony Kushner/GMHC@NYPL

The New York Public Library’s flagship branch (the one with the big lions outside of it) on Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street will be hosting a special one-day only event on Wednesday, September 22. Celebrating the opening of their recently acquired (and cataloged!) archives of the health and social service organization Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), the show will consist of six vitrines full of ephemera–pamphlets, comics, posters, videos–from GMHC’s early years combating the AIDS crisis. The show is open all day, and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner (Angels in America) will give a keynote speech in the evening. For details, and indelible images from the collection, check out my piece over at Vanity Fair.

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