Chord Overstreet Playing Gay?

Chord Overstreet plays transfer student Sam Evans on the new season of Glee, and he brings a full quadruple-threat of talent to the role: singing, songwriting, acting…and abs. (He’s also rumored to play Chris Colfer’s [Kurt’s] gay boyfriend on the show.) In my role as Vanity Fair‘s resident Gleek, I gave Chord a call and asked him about guilty pleasures, kissing boys, and his athletic build. Check it out here.

Ask, Tell? Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? Or Just Be Gay and Get on with the Killing?

A Federal judge in California found the military’s inscrutable and insupportable Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy to be unconstitutional on a number of grounds. What does this mean for the Military Wedding Industry? Find out in my spot-on analysis of the decision for the Vanity Fair website by clicking this pretty blue bit. (BONUS NOTE: The piece contains a bigger version of this photo of soldiers spelling “DICK” with their bodies.)

Wheels of Fortune

Printus, the Greek god of magazines, has smiled on me once again. This time, he’s granted me the opportunity to publish a full page piece on the new vehicles from Rolls-Royce and Bentley in the most recent issue of Vanity Fair. Is it some sort of foreboding hubric message that Lindsay Lohan appears on the cover? Maybe. Are you too cheap to spend $4.95 on purchasing the dead tree version of VF? Probably. In either case, you can view the article by clicking the little thumbnail below.

Once again, I apologize for the lame quality of my technical skills.

Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear

Lee Friedlander, one of greatest living photographers, has a new show up at the Whitney Museum in New York. Entitled “America By Car” it is a series of nearly 200 images taken all across the country. And each one is shot from–and includes in its frame–the interior of one of the myriad vehicles Friedlander drove around the U.S. during the past fifteen years. In my role as Vanity Fair‘s online car columnist, I had the opportunity to wander around the show during a press preview, writing down faux-intellectual thoughts. You can read them in my “review” here.

Plastic Fagtastic

It’s time for another edition of Gayest of the Run, where we ask you, dear readers, to determine the faggiest version of an iconic vehicle. The most recent car to come under our queer eye? The Corvette! So head on over to the Vanity Fair website and cast your big pink vote for the most fabulous fiberglass fantasy of the past sixty years!

Glee Whiz

My Spotlight feature on Glee’s Dianna Agron (lapsed cheerleader Quinn Fabray) will be out in the October print issue of Vanity Fair, but as a special bonus, it’s available to you on the internet right now.

Click here, and don’t forget to check out the slideshow of gorgeous fashions!

Clean Your Balls?

The Gay Uncle, for rather obvious reasons, is rarely asked to provide input on the subject of tween testicles. But, as he has discovered again and again, there’s an exception to every rule. Yesterday, he received an offer to weigh in on this weighty subject–particularly as it relates to AXE Body Spray’s new campaign. His general take? Humor, good; Ball spray, bad. But this misses the delightfully scented (and subtle) complexities. Check out the full answer, and view the funny video, over at the truuconfessions site.

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