The Gay Guide to Glee: Episode 21 “Funk”

It’s Wednesday, people. Which means, last night was Tuesday. Which means I was up until 2:00 am crafting my incredibly deep and original thoughts about the evening’s steaming fresh episode of Glee so that I could deliver this genius to all of you this morning over at the Vanity Fair site. This post announces that it is now available for your consumption.

Chow down, bitches.

Glee-Cap, Episode 20 “Theatricality”

A new episode of Glee screened last night, rendering inevitable another of my increasingly bitchy re-caps for Vanity Fair. The question I seek to answer in this one: How could an episode packed full of such visual and thematic riches be so…boring?

Click it, and you will find release.


Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is finally up for repeal a process that is making it’s way toward Congress. This means one thing: prepare for a big, pink, sticky mess. Actually, it means two things: the above statement, and my inevitable take on it, for Vanity Fair.

Click here to get messy.

Gay Uncle, Uncle Again

The Gay Uncle would like to welcome George Owen Berk Eggers to the realm of the air breathers. It wasn’t an easy path for this ten-and-a-half pound baby boy–either through the birth canal, or into the world of respiration. He got a little…stuck on his way out, and was born not breathing. As you can see from this photo, he’s currently in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Miami Children’s Hospital with his parents: the G.U.’s sister Roxy and her hubby Nick. Gunc was downt here last week to help support his family, and to care for George’s two-year-old sister. This was both challenging and entertaining. The toddler is a pistol. But her care was lubricated by the steady implementation of the Four Ps: puzzles, picture books, pools, and piƱa coladas (not to mention the iPhone’s constant access to the fifth P, the video for Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi”.) George is now breathing on his own, and we all hope he will come home some time in June.

Dream On!

Better late than never. A day late, and thirteen cards short of a full deck, I finally managed to get my Glee-cap of this week’s aces episode, “Dream On” up over at Vanity Fair.

Check it out right here.

Talking to Glee’s “Other Asian”

I talked to Harry Shum Jr. the other day. Who the hell is Harry Shum Jr., you ask? Well, he’s an amazing dancer, choreographer, and one of those dancing silhouettes from the old iPod commercials. He also happens to play Mike Chang, the silent “Other Asian” chorus boy on the hit show Glee. (He’s sweet, funny, and good looking too.)

Check out my interview with him for Vanity Fair.

More Mercedes Classics!

For the greedy among you who always want more, more, more, my friends over at Gawker’s car blog, Jalopnik, have been kind enough to allow me to mount (heh-heh) a slide show of a couple dozen more photos from my trip to the Mercedes Classic Center in Irvine, CA. If you like cars at all, you will go look at it right now.

Click here to have your mind blown.

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