Gullwinging It

Wherein I somehow manage to finagle a drive in this car, the Mercedes Benz Classic Center’s $675,000 1955 300 SL Gullwing–an experience that is nothing short of mind-blowing–and the one behind it (which ain’t too shabby either.)

Read all about it here, in Vanity Fair.

Does Penis Size Matter?

The Gay Uncle chimes in on this very important question in a he said/she said post for his friends over at Cafe Mom. He is doing the “he said” portion of this discourse, while the “her” part is being handled by someone called Anonymous. I guess she doesn’t want word to get back to that pencil penised guy from college that he didn’t satisfy her.

Click right here to be elucidated.

Sleepover-less In Seattle II

gay-dads-sleepovers-advice-gay-uncle-brett-berk-300x222.jpgStrollerderby picks up on the Gay Uncle’s, gay dad, birthday party sleepover, and ads some intelligent spin of their own. And by intelligent, Gunc means that they pretty much agree with his prescription. And by spin, he means illustrative anecdotes reflecting the grotesque homophobia of seemingly “normal” people.

Show them some love and give them a visit.

Glee-Cap: Episode 18

glee_logo.jpgThis week’s Glee episode, “Laryngitis” is the second hole-in-one of The Back Nine, pretty much.

Find out why it works, in my Vanity Fair Glee-cap.

Simply click here.

Going Rogue in the New Jag XJ

4kitmanprobes.jpgWherein yours truly, and infamous car mensch Jamie Lincoln Kitman, go on an adventure involving a new Jaguar, an old MG, and a delicious Basque restaurant in The Middle of Fucking Nowhere, California.


This in Vanity Fair.

GLEE Interview: Heather Morris

heather_morris.jpgHeather Morris plays Brittany–the pea-brained cheerleader–on Glee, and she’s both funnier and smarter than her character.

Check out our interview for Vanity Fair.

Click here.

More Glee (or not)?

glee_logo.jpgThis week’s episode of Glee clutches tight to a narrative thread while the spool unravels around (and around) it.

Check out my weekly Glee-cap in Vanity Fair to find out what the fuck this is supposed to mean.

Click HERE.

Spring of My German Car

0prejump.JPGApril can be dreary. Stick Shift’s prescription? Gay it up with a once-weekly Mercedes injection.

Check out the latest in my online Vanity Fair car column. Fancy fagginess is just a click away.

Click here.

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