Nothing is less interesting than other people’s dreams.
How to Jollyify a VW Beetle
Step one: buy a Beetle. Step two: find a Cuban welder. Step three: watch a shit ton of YouTube weaving videos.
You Can’t Spell Art Car without AR
A new Augmented Reality (AR) app lets you place BMW’s art cars anywhere you like.
This Car Blows (Signal Orange)
Artist Heidi Mraz is still cleaning up orange powder from her latest commission.
The Only Father’s Day Gift Guide You Need
This year, instead of another platinum-plated melon baller, brogued leather manscaping trimmer holster, cashmere onesie, or reclaimed barn wood wallet, why not get dad something elemental and sure to please?
Mia Bay on her New Book “Traveling Black: A Story of Race and Resistance”
The history of transportation in America is intertwined—as so many of our national practices are—with segregation, racism, and white supremacy.
Retiring Ford Designer Moray Callum Reflects on His Career
Highlights? Many. Lowlights? Well…. Maybe this outfit?
Moab Motorsports
Another Top Speed Record (Is it Real? Also, Who Cares?)
“Like many car enthusiasts, I saw SSC’s original video, had questions about the speed claims, and wondered why they didn’t use a VBOX to validate their extraordinary top speed,” Lau said. “Unlike many car enthusiasts, I found myself on a runway in Florida with our equipment installed on that very car just a few months later.”
New Book Explores the Google/Uber Self-Driving Car Rivalry
“I think there’s a certain…egotism to the tech industry,” says Alex Davies, transportation editor for Business Insider and formerly for WIRED, and the author of Driven.