How many automotive articles will you read today that have a reference to the formerly outre, currently en vogue, status of wallpaper?
Cadillac Restores a Mid-Century Modern Masterpiece
Long, low, and horizontal, the serene and distinguished Eero Saarinen-penned space—formerly an executive dining room—retains its original 1950s travertine and terrazzo floors and walls of colored glazed brick, as well as a bright, golden, 36-foot-long decorative metallic screen by famed Modernist designer Harry Bertoia. All of this is framed within a geometric cadence of black-mullioned, floor-to-ceiling plate glass windows that look out at both GM’s Technical and Design campuses.
Stop Breaking Down
During my drive, it starts to rain, and as soon as I turn on the wipers, the one on the driver’s side falls off.