A new series from “Recess Therapy” creator Julian Shapiro-Barnum explores whether the inverse of Those Who Can’t Do, Teach is true using star actors, musicians, and athletes as substitute teachers in NYC elementary schools.
Stars & Cars: Timothée Chalamet
How to cast cars for a movie set in the 1950s, rumored to be about a professional ping-pong player (?!?), and starring Timothee Chalamet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tyler the Creator, and, even more unlikely, New York City masquerading as Paris.
Bond Vehicles Take Over the Spy Museum
The latest exhibit at the International Spy Museum displays a dozen-and-a-half vehicles associated with the person who may be, oxymorons aside, the world’s best-known fictitious super-spy.
Driving with Nicholas Hoult (w/VIDEO)
Driving Ferraris, and talking The Great, The Menu, and bingeing on fake food, with the charming Nicholas Hoult.
A Dozen Celebrity Cars Go to Auction
At the height of his fame in the 1980s, disco producer and soundtrack composer Giorgio Moroder funded a namesake 16-cylinder exotic supercar. Now he’s selling it. Also, Dustin Hoffman is selling his Rain Man Buick convertible. And the estate of the producer of the Lethal Weapon, Free Willy, and X-Men movies is selling ten classic cars.
Read all about it in my first story for The Hollywood Reporter.