Press Shout Out

img_1963.jpgIn case you missed any of the press the Gay Uncle garnered this week, here’s a quick re-cap:

1) An interview with the G.U.–and Fox News anchor Steve Doocy(!?!)–on NPR.
2) A piece in the Times of London recommending The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting as an ideal holiday gift
3) Two shout-outs in Babble’s 2nd anniversary article, listing The Gay Uncle’s piece on The Economy as “The Article We’re Proudest of Having Pulled Off”, and calling his new monthly interview piece Advice from Kids their “Most Hilarious New Column”
4) A charming write up in Queerty on Gunc and his stellar Vanity Fair gay car column Stick Shift
5) A bit on the Gay Uncle from a nice lawyer fellow who recently took the G.U. and his mom out for dinner

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