Brett Berk



March 2008

Essay Topic Needed

Written by , Posted in General & Random

92205348tfqwqite.jpgThe Gay Uncle needs your help. He’s been asked to come up with a seasonally relevant essay topic for a national media outlet and while he has a proprietary take on the issues related to packing for summer vacations, prepping for autumn’s back-to-school, and the tedious dressing and undressing associated with winter wardrobes, he’s not so clear on what parents struggle with in the spring: Deciding whether or not to place partnerless mittens into storage? Mud? The irritatingly inexorable nature of the cycle of life? Help him out by submitting your spring essay ideas in the COMMENTS space below. Winner receives a shout-out if this thing actually happens.


  1. jto
  2. Sarah Young
  3. Elizabeth
  4. stacie
  5. Brett
  6. Maggie