Brett Berk



March 2009


Written by , Posted in General & Random

400x2361.jpgGunc has a new piece up on Babble, this one called “In Praise of Junk”. It’s all about how to help your kids understand the role of “treats” in their life–and how to provide them with some long-term coping skills for dealing with the seductive nature of things like sweets, chips, TV–without encouraging them to become obese, addicted, or just plain lazy. It’s genius, as usual. He highly recommends you read it (and while you’re there, leave a comment, and/or rate the article: 5 STARS is suggested.)

For those of you who are new to the G.U.niverse, he has scads of other, equally impressive (and intelligent, and persuasive, and actionable) pieces up all over the parenting magazine universe. Just look up at the CLIPS page, or click here to get a taste. Of course, you can also buy his critically acclaimed parenting book and get immersed in raising your kids (and yourself) the Gay Uncle way.