truemomconfessions.jpgThe Gay Uncle’s most excellent pal Romi Lassaly–founder of the hilarious, shame-divulging site True Mom Confessions–has an equally hilarious and shame-divulging new book out. Culling the half-million embarrassing, humiliating, cruel, and disgusting anonymous admissions she’s received from mothers all over the world, she’s created a compilation of truly incredible one or two line disclosures, called True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real. The G.U. has been privy to a number of them in the past, in his role as snarky commentator on some of these revelations, but the sheer mass and horror of the ones collected in the book is transcendent. (And it makes great bathroom reading.)

Are you interested in finding out more? Well, you can! It’s time for another Gay Uncle book contest giveaway. Gunc has three copies of TMC:RMGR that he would like to give to you, his loyal readers. All you have to do is confess to the most humiliating thing you’ve ever done to, with, at, or around your kid in your role as parent. Points will be given for originality, grotesqueness, and sheer chutzpah. The contest will run through the weekend. So submit your admissions in COMMENTS below, and the G.U. will run an announcement of the winners on Monday.

One Reply to “Admit One CONTEST”

  1. I never hit my dear child.
    Although I sometimes lost it and screamed I never said (or screamed) an unkind word.

    However, when she was really pushing the envelope, behaving in a manner I could not tolerate and refusing to give me even a bit of a break it was time:

    Grab one of the too many barbie dolls and announce it is going down the garbage shoot (we live on the 11th floor and you do not want anything that travels down the shoot).
    The screaming, the threats, the begging. It was pretty disgusting.

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