Happy Pride, Faggots!

fagbugb4.gifThe Gay Uncle, while gay, does not love parades; they sadden him. Neither does he love the claustrophobic feeling of being pressed up against a bunch of defeated, suburban queens, walking up the vomit-stained sidewalks of his neighborhood in blazing hot summer sun (or torrential downpour) while said invaders take cell phone photos of plastic men in rainbow underpants. Neither does he enjoy parties at which he encounters belligerent drunks in tight tank tops who try to shame him for not being “in the spirit”. And he’s frankly kind of sick of the the Lady Bunny. So, no, he will not be attending the New York Pride “celebrations”. But he is pleased to be gay, in his own way. Which is why he would like to share this piece with you, the gayest ever of his gay car columns, all about the tragic and uplifting tale of FagBug. Check it out.

One Reply to “Happy Pride, Faggots!”

  1. One of my (many) sisters-in-law had a “Hatred is Not a Family Value” bumper sticker on her car. In central Wisconsin. Her car was vandalized. It’s everywhere and not gender-specific. Idiot-specific, yes.

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