Brett Berk



October 2009

Wild Thinged?

Written by , Posted in General & Random

where-the-wild-things-are-movie-still.jpgThe Gay Uncle wants to write a follow up piece to his review of Where The Wild Things Are, in which he gathers anecdotes and insights from parents who ignored his advice and brought their wee ones to see the movie. But he needs your help. Did you take your wee ones to see the movie? How did they fare? Did they cry or scream? Do they now suffer symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Did they need to be hospitalized? Are they perfectly normal, at least in appearance (psychic scars are often invisible)?

Go down to comments and let him know, or email him direct at GayUnclesGuide at mac dot com.


  1. Susan
  2. Marisa