New Sex Manual Written by Sexless Virgins

Sex: Our Bodies, Our Junk is a real book written by a fake organization–The Association for the Betterment of Sex–the membership of which consists of current and former writers for The Daily Show, Conan O’Brien, The Onion, and Vanity Fair.

In celebration of it’s publication today, I talk to a couple of the authors for a piece over at the Vanity Fair website. Check it out.

The RL Gang Conquers the World

Ralph Lauren has found a new way of marketing to kids and families, and it’s gorgeously grotesque. It’s an online, animated children’s book featuring a toddling cast of adorable multicultural munchkins. (Not real munchkins, of course. Young children.) You will not believe their outfits, or the reprehensible/irresistible way in which they’re presented.

To read the Gay Uncle’s take on all of this, click on over to his MOMLOGIC column, right here.

How to Keep Your Old Car From Crushing Your Spirit and Killing You

My friend Jamie Kitman is a true renaissance man. In addition to being a National Magazine Award-winning journalist, a practicing lawyer, the author of a book (in progress) on the history of lead in gasoline, and the manager of bands like OK Go and They Might Be Giants, he is also the owner of one of the greatest collections of slick, drivable, desirable, mid-century British and Italian vehicles in the Northeastern U.S., if not the world. In order to keep all this metal in tip-top shape, he had an amazing mechanic who worked on his cars. Unfortunately, this old-school wrencher, Domenick Spadaro, passed away last year. Fortunately, a memorial road rally was held in his honor the other week. Even more fortunately, I was invited to attend, in some of Jamie’s cars.

Read the story of it the ensuing hilarity right here, in my online car column for Vanity Fair.

Is Step Up 3D the Best Dance-Off Movie Ever?

The third film in the amazing Step Up franchise was released last week, but it took me until today to finally write a review of it for the webby folks over at Vanity Fair. Why? Because I’m a lazy sack of shit. Well, not really. Because I’ve been busy with other stuff, because the movie didn’t come to the crappy multiplex by our house Upstate, and because I really had to think hard in order to ask, and answer, the titular question.

If you’d like to find out what all of this nonsense means, and why the movie should have included more showering, click on over to and read the write up.

How to Overturn Prop 8

I perform an analysis of the historic California gay marriage decision, and offer up some advice on how to best impact on the case’s eventual trajectory toward the Supreme Court, for the Vanity Fair website.

Note: My plan involves bribery, and speaks directly to “Friends of Dorothy”. Click here, to begin clicking your heels together, bitches.

Do You Know Where Your Kids Are…?

The Gay Uncle has his fingers in a whole host of proverbial pies. One of them encompasses his role as Academic Adviser to the Children’s Advertising Review Unit of the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CARU). This is the group that is responsible for creating and enforcing the rules that govern consumer messages (ads, and the like) aimed at kids, and protecting them from nefarious practices.

CARU has just produced a series of new Public Service Announcements aimed at encouraging parents to pay attention to where their kids are going on line both in order to help kids understand the potential perils of their behavior, and to alert them to the fact that CARU is a resource for more information on how to talk to your kids about navigating the world of consumerism. These spots are titled “Do You Know Where Your Children Are…On the Internet?” and star TV mom Catherine Hicks (from “7th Heaven.”) Just click here, and you can scroll through and view all three of the thirty second videos.

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