The Detroit Auto Show, in the midst of the frigid Midwestern winter, kicks off its annual car convention that defines the year for auto journalists in much the same way that Milan, Paris, and New York Fashion Weeks do for their trendy peers. Here are my seven favorite new vehicles unveiled in the Motor City.
BMW Bets on Mirrors, Moss, and Media
News Flash From the Future’s Front Lines
Invasion of the Pod, People!
“I probably shouldn’t say this, but I’m going to,” says Honda’s director of advanced design. “We’re trying to make a future that doesn’t suck.”
Faraday Future Attempts Eponomy
In Faraday’s Future, you will not drive a car. You will be piloted by an electric, autonomous, content delivery device.
Finally, Something to Look Forward to in 2017
These ten vehicles are slated to become available to consumers in 2017, and we’re more excited about getting behind their steering wheels—or their self-driving interfaces—than just about anything else in the coming annum.
Top 5 Car Trends of 2016
Prognostications about the future are most always wrong. But in a life that revolves around driving, we still keep our eyes up and on the horizon.
Top New Cars of 2016
A completely subjective list of my favorite new cars of 2016.
Aston Martin Builds a New Old DB4 G.T.
“Think of it as Frank Lloyd Wright having returned from the dead to oversee the Guggenheim’s renovation and pen the addition.”
High Roller
Rolls-Royce provides a first peek at its biggest (or at least its heaviest) product news of the decade.