What Hath China Wrought?


I have a couple pieces in the August issue of Road & Track, but my favorite is this one (on page 26), reported from the Shanghai Auto Show, on how China’s dominance of the automotive marketplace is influencing global car design in fascinating and unpredictable ways. Click on the image above to see a crappy scan, or just buy the magazine on the newsstand, you chintzy bitch.

Cars as Fine Art

7) Hispano-Suiza

Following a trend of treating exquisite automobiles as pieces of fine art, Nashville’s Frist Museum mounts a show of eighteen Art Deco cars, called “Sensuous Steel.” And never has a exhibition’s title been more legit. You’ll see what I mean, at Vanity Fair.



The Bentley Flying Spur defies the laws of physics and the bounds of believability, calling into question our elemental assumptions, and engendering anomie. In a good sense. My latest for Road & Track.

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