Rolls-Royce provides a first peek at its biggest (or at least its heaviest) product news of the decade.
The Faena District Goes Live
Rem Koolhaas, Norman Foster, Baz Luhrmann, and Mercedes-Benz build an exclusive luxury resort/”ashram” in Miami Beach.
Talking Art, Cars, and Art Cars with John Baldessari
“I was into street racing when I was young,” Baldessari admits dryly. “Building cars, racing, working with people who could implement my ideas.” But when asked if he sees this kind of creation as a precursor to his work as an artist, he demurs. “I don’t think so. They’re separate things.” Though, he adds, “As a culture, we’re not fascinated by slowness. We’re fascinated by speed.”
Tommy Hilfiger Sells His Ferrari
It could sell for a price in the low to mid seven figures, but it’s unlikely to beat the Pope’s Enzo.
Russell Simmons Prescriptions for Purpose in a Ruined World
“Artists operate from the inside out. More often, the artist will say, give people justice. They’ll say, we should give people who look different from us a voice. The artist will say, we’re the same. Because they think inside, and inside is where the answers fit.”