Carmakers no longer implement a pattern of annual redesigns for their entire lineup. But between major redesigns, they often provide vehicles with a collection of smaller updates commonly referred to as a “mid-cycle refresh.” Why?
Why Do Concept Cars Matter?
Concept cars, in their purest form, are automotive fantasies, singular signifiers of an evanescent future that is always coming, but never arrives. So why do they persist?
Here’s Why the Cadillac Celestiq Needs 38 Speakers
What tracks do you use to pressure test a 38-speaker sound system in a $300,000 Caddy? “There are a couple executives at GM who tend to prefer Rush and things along those lines,” Shade said. “But we will often delve into Daft Punk.”
How Do The Rich Buy Cars?
Not with Scrooge McDuck sacks of gold coins, it turns out.
Why Do People Buy SUVs They Don’t Need
Why Are Muscle Cars Still Popular
Why have muscle cars–those emblems of Boomer nostalgia–caught on with Gen X and Millennial collectors, and will this cursed trend ever cease?
How Tesla Helped/Ruined the Auto Industry
Tesla made electric cars cool. But it messed up on a lot of other things.