The Gay Uncle’s sister Roxy is pregnant again, and she’s faced with a curious dilemma. Her husband’s father recently passed away and they want to give the child a name that will honor his memory. Though he was a senior officer in the military, they’ve ruled out Lieutenant, Captain, General and Jointchiefsofstaff. But given that the recently deceased grandfather’s name was George, they’re considering something related to this. The real issue is, the kid is going to be a girl. Hubby Nick is thus campaigning for Georgia, but Roxy feels torn about this name. (It’s a hick name, right?) “If we name her Georgia, people are going to make fun of her,” she said on the phone the other day. “People are going to make fun of her no matter what,” Gunc replied. “And by people, I mean, me.” The G.U. suggested they find another name in the G family. But in putting their heads together, the world’s #1 Guncle and his #1 sis failed to come up with a single viable soft g-sound option. Gina, Gena, Gene, Genesis, Genet, Giovanna, Gesine, Gianna, Gigi, Gypsy, Gyzzmo. They all suck.
So, he’s reaching out to you, his dear readers, to help out. Any suggestions?