No-Kill Zone

guneggfryer22281.jpgThe Gay Uncle is in Denver for work today, which means that he’s being treated to views of the Rocky Mountains, some weirdly balmy 70 degree weather, and an ever so slight aura of Deadwood at every turn (mostly derived from the weird “Western” font they use on everything here.) It also means that he gets to hang out with his good friends Victoria and Butch who live in the Mile High City. These two have added a second son to their brood since the G.U. last saw them, and that little infant seems to be doing just fine. But they’ve been having a bit of a struggle with their older boy Skylar, 4.5. “He turns everything into a weapon,” Victoria said over dinner. “A stick, broccoli, a piece of toast. And it’s not just that, he’s fascinated with killing things. He’s not just shooting. He saying, I’m killing daddy. Or, I’m burning up the cat with a laser. It gets to the point sometimes where it really disturbs me.” Gunc asked if they had a rule about gunplay at Skylar’s school. “Yeah. They don’t allow it. I get so fed up sometimes that I suggest to him that we have a ‘no-kill day’ where he’s not allowed to pretend to murder anyone. Where he has to find other ways to channel his energies. And it ends up forcing him to be much creative with his imagination.” The Gay Uncle felt like she’d solved her own problem, and he told her. “I love that rule. Sounds like you’ve solved your own problem.” He suggested that she implement this practice at once. “It’s fine to place restrictions on things your kids like, even things they really like–ice cream, TV, mass murder. This isn’t ruining their fun or their life. This is your job.” He suggested that in order to get Skylar’s buy-in, they together create a list of things that would be disallowed, as well as other forms of play that would be deemed acceptable. And because The G.U. is all about using appropriation as a too for defeating kids, he even suggested that one way not to have a battle about this all the time, would be to use his patented “Co-Option Option” where you allow kids to have access to the illicit on a very restricted basis. “In addition to the general ban on killing, you could implement a once-monthly or once-a-season All-Kill Saturday, where’s he’s allowed to go sick on everything. Circle the date on the calendar, and let him know in advance.” Gunc imagines that the excitement of this kind of day would wear off very quickly. So long as they’re not stockpiling weapons and ammo in anticipation.

Turf Wars

astroturf.gifAs battles allegedly rage across the country regarding the potentially helpful (durability, low-maintenance, low-cost, rapid drying) and deleterious (lead trap, offgassing, poor foot feel) effects of fake grass–otherwise known as AstroTurf–the Gay Uncle would like to weigh in with a story of some folks he know in L.A. In an effort to “go environmental” this family with two young kids decided to tear up their lawn and carpet the area with artificial sod. Why would they do something like this? Because grass is evil. It requires tons of water (something southern California decidedly lacks, since it’s located IN A DESERT.) It takes all sorts of carbon-fueled machinery to keep it up (sprinkler pumps, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, lawn-boys) making its net impact on the environment a problematically negative one. And its a “monoculture”, which means that it’s…all one thing, crowding out diversity and other helpful species. “So…,” Gunc can hear you asking with baited breath. “What the fuck happened to this family?” Well, after they dug up their lawn, covered the soil to some depth with a shredded and bouncy recycled tire slurry, and laid down their gorgeous permanently green carpet, they made an important discovery: When left to sit out in the blazing California sun, AstroTurf heats up like the flaming lava rocks of Hell. Why they didn’t ask about–or weren’t told about–this issue before hand, the G.U. is not sure. Perhaps they’re bad parents. Perhaps they didn’t read the fine print. Perhaps their mental processing capacities were short-circuited by all the good they felt they were doing for the world. But when their kids started coming into the house with melted sneakers and second degree burns on their feet, they felt they had to remediate. What did they do? What any good CA family would do. They added a sprinkler system that would mist the fake grass and cool it down, and then they built a giant awning over their entire yard to shield it from the sun. Now, the kids can play out front again. Problem solved.

The Play’s the Thing

thumbnail.jpgThe Gay Uncle has been saying for over twenty years that young kids learn through play. This is how they construct meaning, practice at life, learn to synthesize new information, and come up with creative solutions (on the fly) to questions and problems that are thrown at them. Not only has he said that an emphasis on play is good for them, he’s claimed that it makes them smarter, better adjusted, more socially conscious people. Even beyond this, he’s claimed that open-ended, free-form play is not only healthy, but actually NECESSARY for the well being of young children. When he ran a preschool, unstructured (but guided, controlled, rule-bound, and open-ended materials-based) play was a cornerstone of his curriculum. As were twice daily trips to the park. Snow? We put on 20 snowsuits, pairs of mittens, hats, and boots (no one froze). Rain? We built water chutes, looked for worms and snails, and changed when we got back (no one melted). Heat? We ran in the sprinklers, and then made Virgin Piña Coladas on our return (no one got sunstroke, though the shrieks of anticipatory pleasure caused by the whirring of the blender did once cause the NYPD to arrive at our doorstep.) Once-annual Arctic Blast? We stayed in, and made an obstacle course in the classroom. When people would ask, “What the fuck, Gay Teacher? Why do you always take my kid outside in any weather?” The G.U. would respond: “Kids are like puppies. You gotta’ run ’em.” So…he was more than pleased to read that a number of new studies have been released that prove conclusively that kids who get to enjoy free play are better able to focus, better behaved, do better on tests, and are generally just…better. Given the hunky new Secretary of Education’s new initiative to re-brand No Child Left Behind, The Gay Uncle would like to formally propose that RECESS be written into the new standards. All this cramming and test-taking is not only failing to educate our kids, it turns out it’s actually turning our kids into failures. Gunc votes to MAKE RECESS A REQUIRED COURSE!

Who is with him?


baby1.jpgThe Gay Uncle read today that the wildly unpopular, disruptive, and disingenuous law called “No Child Left Behind” is–like just about everything even remotely affiliated with the Bush administration–suffering from an image problem. People hate it. Teachers hate it, administrators hate it, parents hate it, kids hate it. Even the cafeteria workers shake their ice-cream scoopers full of succotash at it in hatred. So the new Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan (who the G.U. both respects, and thinks is kind of hot) has come up with a plan to make the law more compelling and attractive. That’s right, he’s giving NCLB a makeover. Or, as we say in the market research world, he’s relaunching the brand. A bunch of wise-acres are already spewing out “hilarious” ideas on-line for what to call the law: In Your Child’s Behind, Behind the Behind, Get Behind. And as much as Gunc loves just this kind of wittiness, he has to say that he thinks the issue runs deeper than this. Instead of just switcherooing the name to something more comforting, he’d like to see a wholesale re-evaluation of this idea of standards-based education: one that actually created some useful standards on which to measure achievement; one that encouraged creative and critical thinking in our teachers, students and administrators; one that pushed beyond a reliance on rote memorization and the learning of test-taking skills; one that did not punish poor districts for having to educate disadvantaged kids while also serving as front line social service providers. He doesn’t think a simple moniker swap can do all of this. However, he would like to make one suggestion: perhaps the U.S. Department of Education should sponsor a “hot teacher” calendar–like the one the NYC Fire Department used to produce before the whole program was brought down in a pornographic scandal. There’s a standard he believes he can get down with.

Handling the Meat

04694_ehmerbrandsmokedpeppersalamichublarge.jpgA mom recently wrote in with a concerned anecdote about her 5 year-old son”s troubling obsession with “handling the meat”””and I don”t mean wanting to work the deli counter at Whole Foods. I”m talking about what the ancients called Touchin” It. Since I”m an expert in the area (of child development) I thought I”d offer some functional advice.

First off, self-love is a totally normal behavior for young kids of both genders, and should not in any way be shut down, unequivocally. But unless you”re a caged monkey or a Boy Scout, it”s also a very personal matter, best relegated to appropriate times and places. Let your kid know that you”re aware of what they”re up to, and that you”re familiar with the fact that it feels good. But then tell them that it”s something best done in private, like pooping or taking a bath.

Remember, YOU”RE THE GROWNUP, so it”s up to you to set the specific boundaries for their HIP (Hands In Pants) Posturing, but I would recommend reinforcing the public/private divide: e.g. it”s not okay at the dinner table or during story-time at the library, when there are other folks around; but it”s fine when they”re in bed, or watching Handy Manny alone. Then, if they slip up (or in) your can gently remind them of this divide, while offering up a viable alternative.

Oh, and, pleasure is hard enough to come by in this life, so try to stay away from confounding sanitary-based solutions. Unless your kid is reaching around back, or you haven”t bathed them in a few weeks, there”s nothing innately dirty down there””or at least nothing dirtier than every other place a kid puts their hands. It”s certainly nothing a good hand-washing can”t cure: something your kid should do before they eat, help you cook, or touch anyone else anyway.


sm1962momwavesgoodbye.jpgThe Gay Uncle has been in this kiddie game long enough that some of the adorable toddlers he cared for and educated are now high school seniors, planning their post-secondary school adventures. He’s still in close contact with many of these awesome young people–now super-cool, politically active, artistic, pierced/tattooed/dyed urban teens–as well as their folks. Therefore, it wasn’t a total shock when he received the folloing note this week:

Dear Gay Uncle-
My daughter is leaving to attend college in the fall. I forgot who I was before I was “mom.”
Will it be like I have amnesia when she is gone? Because then I will have to be on a Soap Opera because that’s where all the people with amnesia are to be found.

Well, darling reader, Gunc feels the strain of your challenge. But he feels confident that you will not end up on the daytime dramas. People don’t end up on there with amnesia until they’ve been on the show for some time–often decades–and then they get all high-falutin’ and think they’re more important than the other characters and demand a huge pay increase, and the producers retaliate by having the writers kill them off in a big accident, and then the fans rage, and the star gets all falsely-humble, and they bring them back by pretending that the whole killing off part was a mistake and they were just seriously injured, but part of their brain was damaged and now they’ve forgotten all the annoying parts of their storyline and personality, and everyone pretends to love them but is secretly plotting against them. And you haven’t been on the show for any duration, so you’re safe. But he also wants you to know that, like this imaginary soap star, you can never go back to being who you used to be, so that dream is both uninteresting, and a waste of time. You need to be the new De-Mommed you. His advice is to email some of your family members, former colleagues, and old friends and ask them to send you some simple one or two word descriptions of what you used to be like before you had a child. Then you can use these as a means of getting in touch with your old self, in order to help create your new self. Here’s what you do. Collate all of these emailed descriptors onto one list, and then sort them out into the following three categories: Revive, Change, Avoid. For example things like “insufferable drunk” or “selfish bitch” might be good ones to place in the Avoid column, “excellent listener” or “great movie-going partner” might be ones to put in Revive, and “inhibited painter” or “afraid of anal” might belong in Change. Voila, a roadmap to your Personality 2.0.

Also be aware that Momming is for life. So while your daughter’s immediate, present tense, and proximal needs for you may change some, you will still need to be her parent in a new and terrifying way. (Remember your own behavior in college.) Plus, given the state of the economy, it’s very unlikely that she’ll get a job after school, so it’s only a matter of years before she living with you again. Gunc says, Cherish your freedom while it lasts.

The Hand-Off

handing_over_baby_small.jpgThe Gay Uncle had dinner with his friends Lola and Jacob last night, and got to visit with their adorable three year-old son Lou as well (their baby, Jonah, was asleep). Once the kids were both in bed and the drinking could finally begin in earnest, the conversation turned, as it often does at these gatherings (at least for a while, before the G.U. can steer things back to more interesting topics like celebrity gossip, or how cute kittens are) to child-rearing. More specifically, it focused on the age-old issue for stay-at-home-parents like Lola: how to handle the transitional moment, after dealing with the kids all day, of passing the buck to your partner/spouse. The Gay Uncle likes to call this, The Hand-Off.

Though they hadn’t really requested Gunc’s advice, he began digging anyway, hoping to uncover some festering conflict that would further enliven the evening. Turns out the big issue was decompression. After putting in a full day at their jobs, they both just want some down time. “I want to lie on the couch for ten minutes and clear my head,” Jacob said. “Me too!” Lola echoed. But then she turned to her husband. “Don’t you get that on the train-ride home?” Jacob squinted. “Commuting is not relaxing. It’s battle.”

The G.U. decided that he could make a FORTUNE madam-ing a squad of Hand-Off nannies that zipped in during this time and allowed everyone to hit refresh. But while he’s awaiting his Stimulus Package grant for that project, he suggested they sit down and come up with a list of what needs to happen during that time, and how they can divide the labor fairly to give everyone a break. Jacob nodded. “I’m sure if we sat down one time, we could solve it.” Then he glanced at his wife in a way that seemed to imply that this process would be akin to the one-time “solution” enacted by Pandora in opening her eponymous box, and promptly changed the subject.

So how do you handle The Hand-Off? Let us know in COMMENTS below.


bookclub.gifThe Gay Uncle recently read about an interesting campaign. It appears that an organization called the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood has taken on the popular purveyor of smudgy, colored newsprint, The Scholastic Book Club, for having too many non-book offerings in its monthly sales circular–which is distributed to roughly three-quarters of our nation’s elementary school teachers. There was all sorts of other stuff in there, including toys, games, stickers, craft kits, and other cheap trinkets. Some of it apparently came as a bonus prize with a book, as an attempt to lure kids inl. But much of it was straightforward salesmanship of…well, toys, games, craft kits, and other cheap trinkets. Now, you know that Gunc is a firm believer in kids’ rights to Junk–snacks, sweets, TV, and movies. But you’ll also note that he’s also a firm believer in the idea that these should be distributed in an appropriate, proscribed and monitored environments. And while schools are a great place to try to sell kids educational items like books, The G.U. doesn’t really think the classroom is this environment. If Scholastic wants to include books of crossword puzzles or the dreaded, waiting-for-death-but-somehow-math-y Sudoku in their offerings, fine. But it’s a BOOK club. Stop sneaking other shit in there under your book-related imprimatur. That said, the current catalogs are a perfect opportunity for teachers and parents to help kids learn about Commercial Creep–the way in which every aspect of our culture is being invaded by advertising and consumer messaging–and how they can notice and counteract it. Discuss the fact that this is a Book Club, and then have them take the broadsheet and cross off all the products that don’t seem to fit in this category, then you can talk about why they made the decisions they did. Remember: moments of engaged exploration and elucidation enhance long-term understanding for kids much more than simple moments of flat-out rejection.

Leguminous Litany

home.jpgThe Gay Uncle loves peanut butter. And he hasn’t stopped eating it, just like he didn’t give up on spinach during the E-Coli threat a few years ago. But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t think that what’s going on in the PB world isn’t problematic. Oh, he thinks it is. But he believes the problem goes much deeper than a few rogue plant owners trying to make an extra buck by using sub-standard products, underpaid workers, and non-existent sanitation procedures. He even thinks it goes deeper than critiquing the vulgar race-to-the-bottom, hands-off policies that our government has been implementing for the past thirty years (and which sped up horribly during the W.A.E.–Worst Administration Ever–that just left office.) So what is the peanut problem about, according to Gunc? He thinks it’s about abdication of the contract that is supposed to bind us together as a society. We are not supposed to believe we’re each all in this on our own, or out for our own–this creates a bunker mentality and seals us off from one another. Rather, we should be formulating decisions, policies, and actions based on the understanding that we need to work together in order to regulate the base tendencies of humans (to do evil) and create a society that collectively protects itself and its own. This is about sacrificing a bit of your own–at times–to create a safety net from which everyone benefits (even you!) Think about that next time you make a sandwich!

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