It was not what I was expecting.
The Future of Rolls-Royce, Part I
“The last thing you want to see is that a Rolls-Royce can’t go any longer into a city center. Then, it’s goodbye for us, because our clients live around cities, in cities, they are commuting into cities,” he said. “To go electric is a must.”
A New Mercedes-Benz SL Is Coming!
This is cause for celebration among lovers of pinnacle, two-seat luxury roadsters, a group whose Venn diagram certainly encompasses moi.
I wrote about the new car, and the legacy of SLs from the past seven decades, for my local paper. It’s out online today, and will be in the paper, in glorious print, tomorrow.
Why Do Owners Race Their $10 Million Vintage Cars?
“Everybody understands that the cars are valuable, and it’s not good history to add to them if you hit one now. That’s a minus.”
Farming In An Apocalypse
The world is ruined. Even the farms have to move inside.
You can read scans of this story as it appeared in print [right here: Tomatoes Seeds of Science]. Or you can read it online via this link.
Building an All-New, All-Electric Range Rover
The venerable British automaker just revealed their fifth-generation flagship Range Rover. An all-electric model is forthcoming, requiring the brand to clear a number of number of major hurdles.
To Protest Iran’s Anti-Gay Abuses, an Artist Painted a Dictator’s Car
Then, things got weird.
Ferrari Fast, Chevy Levy

The 2023 Corvette Z06 is a performance bargain.
How to Appreciate Your Classic Range Rover
Whilst it appreciates wildly. Guest starring my beloved mechanic Jared Lamanna from Churchill Classics, and my favorite hags from Hagerty.
Volvo Thinks Outside (and Inside) of The Box
“Our design language is like taking a solid piece of marble and carving away the volume,” said Robin Page, Volvo’s design director. “I would say it’s not so much about the box that we’re focused. It’s more the versatility.”