Threesie, Twosie, Onesie…T-SHIRT CONTEST

loveuncle_l.jpgIn preparation for Super Gay Uncle Tuesday (GUG’s pub-date: March 04, 2008) the Gay Uncle has been working with his marketing and publicity people to create compelling promotional items. His requests for posters, fliers, business cards, e-vites, and a royal purple sash have been fulfilled (though his bejeweled tiara and scepter combo is still “awaiting approval.”) G.U. discussed these items with his lovely and insightful editor H- over drinks in Midtown the other night. “I saw a onesie that read I Love My Gay Uncle in a gift store in Chelsea last week,” she said. “Maybe we could do something like that, but for adults?” “An adult-sized onesie…?” Gunc responded, suddenly finding H- compellingly kinkier than he’d previously suspected. “No.  T-shirts. We could make kids’ ones too.” G.U. considered this. He was not sure any child would want said message on their clothing once they–or their peers–were old enough to read. But he figured, why not?  So for his first interactive B.L.o.G. feature, he’s now hosting a Gay Uncle T-Shirt Design Contest right here on this site. Post your suggestions in the COMMENTS below. First (and/or best) idea wins an autographed copy of the book, a free shirt, and the bowl full of pennies his boyfriend Tal has been collecting for the past 12 years.

12 Replies to “Threesie, Twosie, Onesie…T-SHIRT CONTEST”

  1. My Uncle is gay
    SO WHAT?

    My gay uncle can beat
    up your straight uncle

    Gay Uncles ROCK

    I’m not gay, but my uncle is

    I don’t think I am gay,
    but my uncle is

    These are just a few one liners for shirt and onesie options. I became an uncle for the fourth time last week. Kinda scary, this one looks like me!

  2. My Gay Uncle Went into Rehab and All I Got Was this Stupid T-shirt, An Autographed Copy of His Book and a Bowlful of Grimy Pennies

    Or, on the banal end of the spectrum:

    My Niece/Nephew Knows I’m Gay

    Can’t wait to read the book, even if I don’t win it!

  3. I would beat up my gay uncle but I’m afraid I might tear my dress

    [This one is from the Gay Uncle’s brother-in-law, who actually looks quite stunning in a dress. G.U.]


    [This one is particularly awesome, since it comes from my niece. -G.U.]

  5. My Uncles are Adam and Steve (sorry, Stephen)

    Baby’s got Gay Uncles

    My gay uncle (hearts) me

    Got Gay Uncles?

    Luv in my (heart), warmth in my diaper for my gay uncle

    Love and kisses for my gay uncle (or) Smooches for my gay uncle

    Give me another couple of days to come up with something cool……hmmm…..I love this idea! Can’t wait to read the book!

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