Gay Uncle Reads at NYC Public Institution; God Punishes with Stormy Wrath

subwayflooding.jpgThe Gay Uncle read from his book at the Children’s Museum of Manhattanyesterday. The event was well attended, and well received–by the people in the audience, that is. Apparently the (wo)man upstairs was not so pleased at the idea of having a Swish Tío tell “normal” folks how to raise their kids, and responded with a typhoon. Coincidence? Evidence thus far points to “no”. But more readings will ensue around the country over the next few weeks. We’ll have to wait and see if natural disasters follow G.U.’s path.

One Reply to “Gay Uncle Reads at NYC Public Institution; God Punishes with Stormy Wrath”

  1. Feel like coming to a liberal college-town oasis in the middle of Indiana? There would be throngs of parents who’d love to have you. Seriously.

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