Your Tongue Here

Your Tongue HereThe Gay Uncle was asked an interesting question during one of his myriad radio interviews yesterday. “Since you seem to have no problem dishing out advice to your family and friends, do you also feel obliged to give pointers to strangers?” G.U. replied that, aside from telling slacker moms and dads (in the playground where he used to take his students) to curb the offensive behavior of their demon spawn, this was not his usual practice. But he did remember one time when he felt compelled to intrude. This was when he was on a field trip with a group of his students, heading home from the Empire State Building via public transportation (as always), and spotted an adorable three year old girl on the 6 train engaged in a rather problematic behavior: she was standing up, holding on to the subway pole with both hands–and licking it repeatedly with her tongue. Gunc leaned in to her casually unobservant mother, and said, “I’m really not sure that she should be doing that.”

5 Replies to “Your Tongue Here”

  1. do you, gay uncle, have advice for my hysterical pregnancy? And do you have advice about getting it into a good private elementary school?

  2. It’s hard to not comment–especially when you see your own students behaving badly (with their parents) in public. A good reason to live far from your school:)

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