
images13.jpgYesterday afternoon, the Gay Uncle received an intriguing query on his website. It came from a government employee (return address: .gov), which immediately made him nervous and suspicious. Hoping it might be an apology from George W. Bush for royally pooch-screwing the country for the past eight years, he read on. “Dear Gay Uncle,” it said. “Please come read to us at the Johnson Space Center Child Care Center.” Space Child? G.U. thought. Well, that sounds interesting. Visions of aliens and floating babies ran through his head, until he read on. “That’s the day care at NASA in Houston!” NASA? Gunc thought. Surprised, he had to pause, do a shot, and fan himself. But having a soft spot for astronauts (and the folks who help the astronauts do their astronauting)–and hoping to beat out that twink Lance Bass as the first gay in space–Gunc wrote back enthusiastically and is anxiously awaiting the center’s response. He will keep you posted in this space. Or you could just look up at the stars and watch for him there.

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