images-1.jpgPeople are asking the Gay Uncle all sorts of hard questions at his readings these days; it almost feels like a game show at times: Stump the G.U. But he’s capable of taking on all comers, including parents with willful children (pretend you’re the grown up, and let them know who’s boss–but don’t waver); those with kids who flip off the camera every time it comes out (state your dislike and move on without a huge commotion–digital photography has its advantages); and expectant parents who fear the arrival of their child will signal the end of their social life (it doesn’t have to, and it shouldn’t–for their sake and for the proper development of their kid–see Chapter 1 in the book!). But the best question thus far came from a guy last night in Chicago. He asked “How do you feel about Gay Parenting?” G.U.’s rejoinder: “I’m for it.” Second runner up was from a guy who claimed that his infant niece was afraid of him. “Stop wearing that George W. Bush mask when you go visit her,” Gunc advised. If you feel you have a ringer, come to one of his upcoming readings or just drop a line here in the comments… He’ll do his best.

One Reply to “Q&A”

  1. When one of my nieces was very young — say around 2 — she was also oddly afraid of me. Whenever I would visit, she would run away and cry, which was unnerving to say the least, as I generally am a good player with kids and get along fine with them (I have 10 zillion nieces and nephews, so have plenty o’ experience). As it turned out, it was just a phase and now we get along famously, but at the time we (as in her parents and I) speculated that she was probably afraid of me because she didn’t know me that well and yet sensed how close I was to her father (i.e., my brother), which was very confusing to her.

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