Dumb Product Ideas Needed

images16.jpgIn addition to his screed below, for the sake of an upcoming essay, G.U. wants to know: what is the very most mind-numbingly dumbest recent baby/parenting product you’ve seen? Send links along with your descriptions where possible.

6 Replies to “Dumb Product Ideas Needed”

  1. Just recently found your blog – I can’t remember the train of links that brought me here. While I semi-object to your use of the “feeding bag” as an illustration for this topic (I think they are a good idea! Especially for grandparents or babysitters who don’t really know the correct size for snacks) I heartily admit that parents will by ANYTHING if they can be given a good enough reason to.

    I present to you: the electronic MUSICAL nasal aspirator.

    found here

    I think this is the single stupidest product on the market, but I will admit that after wrestling with my six-month old and a bulb syringe the other day I found myself wondering, “What if it DOES work?”

  2. Thanks for sharing that Jenn. I have to agree with your take on the electronic Musical nasal aspirator… I mean, I can’t see how it would work more than once! It might even inure babies to music forever.

    The One Step Ahead site turns out to be an absolute treasure trove of products that walk the line between Brilliance and Stupidity. What fun! Here is another gem from that site

    p.s. – we kind of like the feeding bag too. It just kind of gets gross so quickly…

  3. Okay, maybe it’s really smart, but I just can’t get past the silly/gross factor. Simply suck the goo out of your child’s nose. What’s wrong with that?

  4. I’m not sure if you would really consider this a product, but two days ago my daughter received an invitation to a birthday party that let me know where the child had registered for gifts. Seriously, the kid is five! I’m still flabbergasted . . .

    [Okay, it’s official: the world is coming to an end. G.U.]

  5. ooh, birthday party registries? almost as bad as jack and jill wedding “showers” where you have to pay to get in.

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