Tummy Shield

5.jpgThe Gay Uncle doesn’t really know what to say about this invention. It certainly seems like it might be a good idea for protecting a gestating kid-let in case of a sudden vehicular swerve or panic stop. And it’s probably more comfortable than having the belt strapped across your swollen stomach. But he finds something vaguely…creepy about the text on the website. Take this description of pregnancy for example “Expecting? You must be excited, anxious, you have a life growing inside you, he or she will be your friend, soul mate, best friend for the rest of your life, you will laugh, you will cry together”. Um…friend? Best friend? Soul mate!?! Gunc’s not really certain that’s the healthiest way think of your child. What if you don’t even have the same favorite color, or like the same kinds of movies? You still have to deal with one another for life. Or this one about how the product works, “by removing the seatbelt away from the abdomen area and letting your baby bounce on the mother”s womb which will naturally absorb the shock.” The product was apparently designed by “three Australian bio-mechanical engineers”, which seems suitably scientific, but it all comes across as kind of…Dead Ringers-y: the G.U. can’t help but imagine these men gathered around their lab, gleefully pulling on all the innards from a woman’s body in an attempt to find which one is the most elastic. Then there’s the whole “As Seen on TV” imprimatur, which doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. Do any of you have one of these? Do you absolutely love it? Before he puts it on his list of crazy and useless baby crap, The Gay Uncle wants to hear about your experiences.

4 Replies to “Tummy Shield”

  1. The whole idea of the seat belt is to have the strap catch you on the hip bone to prevent youfrom moving forward in a crash. this does not appear to do that. If it just holds you in a soft tissue ares, it will casue bruising or worse. I don’t know if this is better than just wearing the strap low under your abdomen.

  2. It might help address some of that unfortunate bladder pressure in later pregnancy. But if it isn’t safe (above comment), then I’d rather be uncomfortable!

  3. I have to agree with the above commenters. Doesn’t look too safe. And the area that would receive bruising….ow.

    Aside from that, the marketing leaves me saying, EW. If your child is your soul-mate, you both need YEARS of therapy. Seatbelts are the least of your problem.

  4. I disagree with comments above, I’m a mother of four children, and each one of them is my soul mate. As to the product, my sister-in-law is pregnant and she purchased this Tummy Shield. After using it for a few months now, she swears by it, she will not go anywhere without it. She is a research scientist, and she thinks it’s a marvellous idea. She is so impressed with the idea, she contacted the company to congratulate & thank them.

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