Altar Piece

images6.jpgThe Gay Uncle and his boyfriend have been together for eighteen years (each one of them blissful, and better than the last) and while they personally have no desire to get gay-married, they believe that every homo who wants to, should be able to–easily and with full state sanctioning. So the news out of California pleases him. He’s especially pleased for all the CA gay and lesbian parents out there, who will now be able to exercise full joint-ownership rights over their kids. And for Ellen, because he thinks she deserves all the happiness she can find. He worries only that it will set off another nuptial epidemic like the one he experienced in his early 30’s when all the straights got married, an exhausting (and expensive) party-train that was rivaled only by his time on the seventh grade Bar Mitzvah circuit, when he attended at least one–and sometimes as many as four–events every weekend. One can only to pretend to enjoy dancing to Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” so many times; it is not a dance song.

One Reply to “Altar Piece”

  1. You sound like MY kids’ gay uncles. When asked about possibly getting married, they told Andy’s mom that they didn’t see the point for themselves, but if she wanted to spend money on a big party, that they would make a point to be there.

    No word on Journey songs yet….you’re right about “Don’t Stop Believing” not being a dance song. Unless you are in jr. high and looking for an excuse to make out/slow dance.

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