Six Year Old’s Can Be Wrong

images.jpgOne of the Gay Uncle’s friend’s six year-old daughter recently, and quite vocally, endorsed John McCain for president. Said friend expressed dismay, then anxiety, then the rest of the seven stages of grief, before asking what one is expected to do in this situation. The G.U.’s immediate retort was that the child needs to be “liberated” from the family. (Give her a taste of the “ownership society” her candidate espouses.) But on second thought, Gunc wondered if it might be possible to have some sort of open dialogue with kids like this about the election. Of course, being who he is (and Barack being who he is) the G.U. doesn’t know a single other young person who actually supports The Evil Toad. Dear readers: do you? If you do, fill him in. What are these (very) Young Republicans’ issues? They want to see the full-on demise of public education so they don’t have to go to school ever again? They really like camo and are hoping to be a first-round draft pick? They already evolved a set of gills and are thus well-suited to live in a post-climate-change earth? They think the Great Depression only happened in the American Girl movie? Gunc sort of gets what’s the matter with Kansas, but what’s the matter with these Kids? DO TELL.

One Reply to “Six Year Old’s Can Be Wrong”

  1. Isn’t being a republican a phase all kids go through? As a parent I guess all you can do is say”and supporting Macnuts and his Palindrone is your right:now kiddo are you ready to accept the consequences of what such a government will do? They wont be. They just want to have a different opinion(the kids I mean). They always do.

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