Happy Birthday to GUG

cake322.jpgIt’s the official birthday of The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting! The book arrived on shelves one year ago. Since then, the Gay Uncle has written close to 700,000 posts and articles, and has participated in all sorts of other humiliating events like radio interviews with hostile shock-jocks, no-audience readings at public libraries, and reality TV show pitches in which he was interrupted mid-sentence and told “We’re really not looking for anything in the parenting space right now.” But it’s all been worth it, because he’s met (and hopefully helped, entertained, and/or humiliated) YOU. So help Gunc blow out his single candle, and then take a sec to participate in the following gunc.com treasure hunt. See if you can find:

1) A way to buy the book
2) A link to join the Gay Uncle on Facebook
3) Myriad interesting articles (called “clips” in the business)

The G.U. wants to thank you for all your support, comments, and questions during this very special year, and looks forward to continuing to inundate you with more of his snarky crap in the upcoming months.

2 Replies to “Happy Birthday to GUG”

  1. Congratulations! I have yet to read your book- actually, I have yet to have kids…that won’t be for several years- but you’re always entertaining. Here’s to 365 more, and beyond!

  2. Brett:
    I am the proud owner of a copy of GUG, via my St. Louis connection. I found the book delightful. It is informative, entertaining and very humorous. I always knew you would enjoy success in whatever you decided to pursue. Waiting anxiously for your next 100 books!!!
    Aunt Dee

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