Beyond Heather Has Two Mommies

400x236.jpgAll this talk about Gays and Pride and Gay Disney Princesses (see posts below) reminded the Gay Uncle that he’s covered some of this ground before, prompting him to re-read his seminal piece “Beyond Heather Has Two Mommies”, a survey of current offerings in media portrayals of gay and lesbian characters for young kids. He thinks you should too. Here’s a teaser:

When I was a little boy growing up in the Midwest, the closest thing I had to a queer media role model ”” besides Bert and Ernie ”” was Ferdinand, the flower-sniffing, cork-tree-shade-sitting, hoop-earring-wearing, Spanish bull who refused to participate in the bullfights. Ferdy wasn’t overtly gay in any way ”” in fact, many people thought he wasn’t even a bull, but simply a pacifist metaphor, drafted in opposition to Franco’s ascendance ”” but I distinctly remember sitting on the floor of my room, reading the story, and feeling a connection with his bovine alienation.

So, what are you waiting for? Click on.

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