Snow Balls

snowball.jpeg It’s snowing like mad in New York, which reminds the Gay Uncle of the glories of winter in the city, and particularly of the joys of winter with kids. For the record, G.U. is wholeheartedly in favor of allowing kids to throw snowballs. Little in life is more satisfying. (Except, perhaps, throwing water balloons.) But, like most everything else, snow throws come with rules 1) The throw-ee must agree to be a target; and, 2) The throw-er must aim for the area below the face. Of course, snowy day reminiscences remind Gunc of the fact that there are only two real seasons in the pre-school calendar: layers, and sunscreen; the application of either of which took up a good portion of each day. His memory is that the glories of the outdoors far outweighed this. But he’ll be hosting a reunion of his pre-school students–many of whom are now super-cool teenage musicians, artists, and political activists–in a few weeks, and will be sure to ask them if their memories coincide.

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