Disney’s “Up” Heads Six Feet Under

474574191.jpgThe Gay Uncle hasn’t seen the new movie, “Up”, but apparently an old woman dies in it. Obviously, this is not the first Disney film in which a female character buys the farm. In fact, Gunc is having a hard time remembering a Mickey-flick in which one doesn’t bite it. But in “Up”, the depiction is a bit more straightforward and unobscured than usual, and the bereaved is not a mermaid, a princess, or an adorable baby deer, but an increasingly embittered old man. So when the G.U.’s second-favorite newspaper columnist, Heidi Stevens, heard all this, who do you think she turned to for advice about how to discuss Grim Reaping with kids without scaring the shit out of them? That’s right: everyone’s second-favorite Gay Uncle parenting guru. The results of their conversation are in this Sunday’s Chicago Tribune.

Check it out.

2 Replies to “Disney’s “Up” Heads Six Feet Under”

  1. Yes, a variaition on the Disney parent snuff film here. They are a childless couple (not by choice we learn it’s a “female problem”). So in this case they just nix the Mrs. so the Mr. can get around to living the ream that they never attained together. GET THAT WOMAN OUT OF MY WAY.

    the bird is a girl

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