Dress Dilemma

princess.jpgThe Gay Uncle takes on a new role this week: expert in the Tribune Newspapers’ new parenting column The Parent ‘Hood. Parents ask questions, other parents respond, and then Gunc (or some other know-it-all) dishes out their three cents. First problem? A girl who insists on wearing her princess dress. Everywhere. (And she’s not even a real princess!) Gay Uncle to the rescue. Click here to lose the pink acetate blues.

One Reply to “Dress Dilemma”

  1. About the Princess Dress and your statement, “You can’t run in it, and running is an important part of school,” I want to ask that we also apply it to the shoes children wear, especially girls. I am an elementary music teacher, and I get very frustrated seeing little girls wearing crocs, flip-flops (with pedicure), even heels to school. Running IS an important part of school, and important part of child development! Children, as well as puppies, kittens. . . all of God’s children . . . run and chase when they play. It is so sad to see a little girl try to flee someone chasing her when she is hobbled by her “cute” shoes. What does it do psychologically to a child to always be caught, always be “it” and never able to tag anyone?

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