Parenting Tribunal

soapbox.jpgAlways wanted to tell other people how to raise their kids? Think your way is best? Simply have a big mouth? Well, here”s your chance to let the world hear your voice! Tribune newspapers parenting columnist (and good pal of the Gay Uncle) Heidi Stevens has started up a new parenting column””The Parent ”˜Hood””in which real moms and dads write in with questions, and real moms and dads give the answers. And they”re looking for folks to respond to a fresh new set of readers” problems. The issues are listed below. If you have a (brief) solution for any of these dilemmas, they want to hear from you. Simply e-mail your answers to And be sure to include your first and last name and your hometown, (as well as some mention of the question you”re responding to.) Join the conversation! Help others! Rule The Parent ”˜Hood!

Upcoming topics:

1. You’ve gotten in the bad habit of buying your child a “special treat” every time he/she behaves at Target. Now he/she expects a gift every time you enter a store. How do you break the cycle?

2. Your tween daughter came home from a friend”s house wearing heavy makeup. It looked atrocious and she seems too young. But she, of course, loves it. What do you do?

3. Your child”s pal gets everything she asks for (think multiple American Girl dolls) and your child wants to know why you won”t offer up the same. How do you handle?

4. Your son chews his nails incessantly. You’ve tried the nasty-medicine-on-his-fingers trick, rewards, punishments, ignoring the behavior. Nothing makes it stop. What should you do?

5. Meals have become less-than-nutritious endeavors at your house, with your kids demanding hot dogs and chicken fingers or nothing. How do you get them to stop the junk food gluttony?

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