It’s So Cold in the D

humpstang.jpgThe Gay Uncle, in his role as Stick Shift–Vanity Fair’s online car columnist–is heading to his hometown of Detroit on Friday to cover the North American International Auto Show. Expect the usual hard-hitting journalism, exclusive interviews, misheggas, and generally skewed perspective on the industry. But to prepare yourselves for all of this, first check out this amazing video, which explains just about everything you need to know about The D.

3 Replies to “It’s So Cold in the D”

  1. Brett, I’ve had this stuck in my head since the minute you posted it. No kidding. … I’ll be singing it all next week. Can we create a video at the show of everyone singing this or do we have to get permission to do a re-recording?

  2. Valentine-

    I like your idea. I’ll clink my Mont Blanc against my crystal Champagne flute, clear my throat, and propose the sing-along at the Bentley Press Conference on Monday afternoon. We’ll gather as many Journos as we can in and around the Mulsanne. (I think it’s an appropriate location, don’t you?) And while we’ll trade off verses–maybe allow folks to do some free-styling, so that they can all commemorate their own dead homies– I’ll be more than happy to lead the chorus.

    It’s so co-old in the D
    How the fcuk do we post a keep peace?
    It’s all in a nigga’s mi-ind
    Workin’ and doin’ ti-ime

    Hopefully Eddie Alterman will have that adorable lap dog he keeps with him in that charming Louis Vuitton carrier. That would make the perfect accent! If not, we’ll have someone round up some cute homeless children from out behind Cobo and we’ll seat a few on people’s laps or perch them on the hood or roof.

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