The S5 Sportback has no gas gauge. It will tell you how many more miles you can drive until the tank is empty, but it takes a number of button presses to get the traditional E-to-F meter to appear.
A Quiet Greatness is Great
This 1400-page, four-volume, $350 book set is an amazing contribution to automotive scholarship, documenting the wide-ranging glories of the Japanese car industry.
How Do The Rich Buy Cars?
Not with Scrooge McDuck sacks of gold coins, it turns out.
Why Do People Buy SUVs They Don’t Need
Why Are Muscle Cars Still Popular
Why have muscle cars–those emblems of Boomer nostalgia–caught on with Gen X and Millennial collectors, and will this cursed trend ever cease?
Detroit Concours d’Elegance
I went home to Detroit to cover the first annual Detroit Concours d’Elegance, the only notable American classic car show to be held in a major city.
5 Most Expensive Superyachts
The super-rich have discovered that superyachts are the most expensive durable good they can spend their money on. So they’re spending.
Smart Home Gift Guide
Are there people on your Holiday Gift List who are thrilled by the idea that every device in their home should be constantly delivering a rich seam of their personal information to Big Data miners? Then you should get them one (or all) of these cool items!
Expanding my content categories at Architectural Digest.
Driving with Nicholas Hoult (w/VIDEO)
Driving Ferraris, and talking The Great, The Menu, and bingeing on fake food, with the charming Nicholas Hoult.
Defender 130 Has 8 Seats You Can Use
With the Earth’s ongoing haywire highwire act, the best offense may not always be a good Defender.