Crease Monkey

This article on Giorgetto Giugiaro–who popularized the angular “folded paper” design in the ’60s and ’70s–may contain the best headline I’ve ever written.

Click on the images above (and then click again) to read a crappy scan, or just subscribe to the magazine already, you Chintzy Blt˘h.

I Want My MPV

In the new MUSIC issue of Road & Track, I investigate the strange, short-lived penchant, among 1990s East Coast rappers, for the Mazda MPV, and discover that this vehicle actually helped bridge the deep-seated East Coast/West Coast beef.

Click the image above to view a crappy scan, or just subscribe to the magazine already you chintzy blt˘h.

Coachbuilding for Fun and Profit

But mostly for profit.

My latest for the Hand Made issue of Road & Track. Click on the thumbnails above to see a crappy scan (and then click again to see an even bigger crappy scan) or just subscribe to the magazine already, you chintzy bitch. It’s really good.

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